Address *
City, State, and Zip Code *
Primary Phone #: *
Secondary Phone #: *
Email: *
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT #1 (of 3) - Company Name: *
City, State: *
Contact Person: *
Contact Phone: *
Job Title / Duties: *
Reason for Leaving: *
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT #2 (of 3) - Company Name: *
City, State: *
Contact Person: *
Contact Phone: *
Job Title / Duties: *
Reason for Leaving: *
PREVIOUS EMPLOYMENT #3 (of 3) - Company Name: *
City, State: *
Contact Person:
Contact Phone: *
Job Title / Duties: *
Reason for Leaving: *
How many jobs have you had in the last 5 years? *
PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE #1 (of 3) - Full Name: *
Full Address: *
Phone #: *
PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE #2 (of 3) - Full Name: *
Full Address: *
Phone #: *
PROFESSIONAL REFERENCE #3(of 3) - Full Name: *
Full Address: *
Phone #: *
EDUCATION • High School/GED - Name/Location: *
GPA: *
If you answered no, what is the highest grade you completed?
College - Name/Location:
If you answered no, what is the highest grade you completed?
Trade/Business/Other - Name/Location:
If you answered no, what is the highest grade you completed?
Rate of pay desired:
Why would you like to work for Creative Cuisine? *
Tell us about your experience in the field for which you are applying: *
Other than a Creative Cuisine Restaurant & affiliates, what is your favorite restaurant and why? *
Other than a Creative Cuisine restaurant & affiliates, what is your least favorite restaurant and why? *
Describe a specific situation where you have provided excellent customer service in your most recent position, and explain why it was effective? *
Please provide your date of birth to verify compliance with labor laws and ensure eligibility for serving alcohol. *
By entering the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number below you signify that you understand and agree to the terms outlined in the Authorization at the top of the page, and that all information is complete and truthful. Otherwise, please exit this page now. Last 4 Digits of SSN: